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Womens' Health Pack

Womens' Health Pack
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Natural Immune System Support for Womens' Health
$71.00 $63.90 Save $7.10
woman pack benefit-47-105Beauty-328-225-756-459

Health Pack for Women Health

Dear Customer. We would like to provide you more information how you can get benefit from ordered pack.


1. Royal Jelly chewable tablets.

Though clinical research on the topic is limited,
anectodal evidence suggests that Royal Jelly may assist women by:
•    Regulating female hormones 
•    Helping alleviate irregular menstrual cycles
•    Alleviating PMS symptoms
•    Enhancing health in pregnancy
•    Nourishing breastfeeding mums
In combination with Colostrum our chewable tablets help improve general health
and immune system. We use only NZ origin source of Royal Jelly and Colostrum.

2. Pro-Pollen extract.

The well-known anti-bacterial properties of Manuka Honey
in combination with nutritional value Bee Pollen and antibacterial active Bee
propolis make product very beneficial for women health. This product provides:

 Stimulation of immune system, overall wellness and fertility 
 Demonstrates a regulatory action on intestinal functions
 Support blood vessels and cholesterol in normal
 Improve energy
 Nutritional support (Bee pollen does contain vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants, proteins and amino acids. )

3. Pantopol.

Pantopol comes from deer velvet extract "Pantocrin" in combination with
bee pollen. Pantopol has the unique properties that can help correct symptoms women
experience during their period and beyond. Pantocrin is a known stimulant of red blood
cells, which help carry oxygen throughout the body. Increased oxygen levels directly
benefit the circulatory system, and in turn, scientists believe this plays a crucial role in
lessening congestion and contraction of pelvic muscles. Main beneficial properties are:

 Regulate Hormonal Imbalance
 Help for Menopausal Women 
 Improve Energy


Royal-Jelly 60 original

 Stimulate physical performance, better memory, learning capacity and self-confidence
 General health improvement
 Increase resistance to viral infections
 Regulate blood pressure
 Sexual desire and performance
ApiHealth Royal Jelly tablets contains fresh New Zealand Royal Jelly in combination with New Zealand Colostrums.
Well known that Royal Jelly has very short shelf life. Therefore development of technologies of its preservation is very important.
 ApiHealth Royal Jelly tablets were produced with using of new preservative processing technology based on manufacturing of adsorbed royal jelly. This is new method of preservation of fresh liquid royal jelly, which is completely different from manufacture of lyophilized royal jelly. This technology allows preserve maximum of biological activity of Royal jelly in powder form. Therefore stimulating activity of adsorbed royal jelly in tablets is similar to natural liquid royal jelly.
 ApiHealth royal jelly tablets due to the best possibility of getting maximum beneficial properties from royal jelly, because of maximum penetration of royal jelly components into bloodstream is carried out through the larynx and mouth mucous membranes, as long as recommended to chew tablet until its complete dissolution.
 ApiHealth Royal Jelly tablets have very a pleasant taste and very and a very convenient for use. It can be used similar to candy.
 Shelf life of ApiHealth tablets is 3 years.
General information about Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is a creamy product secreted by young nurse worker bees for feeding to the queen, queen larvae and other young larvae.
Royal jelly consists of an emulsion of proteins, sugars, and lipids in a water base. The proteins have no particularly unusual properties and have the main presumed function of providing the growing larva or the queen a readily digested source of protein. So, according to information referred in book “ Value-added products from beekeeping”, published in 1996, “of the nitrogenous substances, proteins average 73.9% and of the six major proteins (Otani et al., 1985) four are glycoproteins (Takenaka, 1987). Free amino acids average 2.3% and peptides 0.16% (Takenaka, 1984) of the nitrogenous substances. All amino acids essential for humans are present and a total of 29 amino acids and derivatives have been identified, the most important being aspartic acid and glutamic acid (Howe et al., 1985). The free amino acids are proline and lysine (Takenaka, 1984 and 1987). “The remainder of the composition, except the lipids, also appears to be oriented toward providing balance nutrients for the consuming individuals.
The lipids are unusual because they lack the normal triglycerides and diglycerides that are composed of fatty acids having carbon chains of even numbers from 14 to 20 that are typical of insect fats. Instead royal jelly lipids composed mostly of short chained 8-10 carbon hydroxy fatty acids or diacid. These compounds have active functionalities at both ends of the molecule, are more soluble in water than usual fatty acids, are highly acidic and act as good detergents and antimicrobial agents. It is this latter property, antimicrobial activity that appears to be the main function of the lipids in royal jelly. The principal acid is 10-hydroxy-2-decanoic acid, followed by its saturated equivalent, lO-hydroxydecanoic acid.
The sugars consist mostly of fructose and glucose in relatively constant proportions similar to those in honey. Fructose is prevalent.
Miraculous beneficial properties of Royal Jelly attract attention of many researchers. Scientists discovered that regular consumption of Royal Jelly regulates the level of haemoglobin and erythrocytes in blood. Royal Jelly is very useful as an overall restorative remedy for patients depleted and weakened by severe sicknesses. It is also helpful in cases when the body is weakened by ageing. The patients gain their appetite and normal weight back, become cheerful and vivacious.
New Zealand Colostrum
Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced by mammals during the first 24 - 48 hours after giving birth. Colostrum provides life-supporting immune and growth factors that insure the health, vitality and protection of all mammalian babies (including humans) and has now been shown to protect and heal adults.
NZ Colostrum is collected from pasture-fed, healthy, pesticide, hormone and antibiotic free New Zealand dairy cows. This colostrum is processed fresh using a unique low-heat, spray dry processing technique to ensure that the highest biological activity is retained.
Colostrum is high in carbohydrates, protein and antibodies and low in fat (as human newborns may find fat difficult to digest). Colostrum contains all five immunoglobulins found in all mammals, IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. There are many beneficial proteins in the colostrum, including a variety of growth factors (IGfs). Bovine colostrum is sometimes used by humans as a dietary supplement for general immunity and physical strength.
Studies conducted by respected scientists, researchers and doctors around the world have identified just how beneficial the components of colostrums are. Evidence from these studies shows that colostrums can destroy viruses, toxins, bacteria, yeast and parasites. Additionally, colostrum powerfully boosts our immune function, helps accelerate injury healing, assists us in burning fat and building lean muscle mass, increases vitality and stamina, and elevates our mood.

Pantopol in boxPantopol original
 Support the immune system
 Improve muscular strength and endurance
 Improves blood circulation and energy
What is the uniqueness of ApiHealth  Bee Pollen extract?
 High degree of Bee Pollen casings destruction
 Shelf life expansion and preservation of useful properties of Bee Pollen
 High degree of extraction of active bee pollen components
 Allergic components removal

Unique properties of deer velvet as a powerful immune system stimulator in combination with nutritional bee pollen extract rich with biologically active natural components make the product useful for different kind of body conditions caused by stress. Extract increases body resistibility towards unfavourable factors of environment.
General information about Deer Velvet
Deer Velvet is unique. No other living animal product grows once every year, only to be replaced the following year by the same natural process. Antler begins as a living cartilage, well supplied with blood and enclosed in a skin covered with fine hair.
“Velvet” is the name given to deer antlers while they are growing and still in a cartilaginous state well supplied with blood, and enclosed in skin covered with fine hair.  The remarkably swift growth of the stag’s antler is unique in nature. No other living animal product grows once every year, only to be replaced the following year by the same natural process.
Scientists today are finding why the Chinese have been using Deer Velvet, a magical effective natural herb to strengthen and heal people of all ages, from the growing child to the aged and infirm.
Ongoing scientific research is providing exciting new insights into the pharmacological properties of Deer velvet, validating with clinical testing many of the wide-ranging claims of traditional Asian medicine.
There is a growing demand for safe natural remedies to combat environmental pollution and strengthen the immune system
Velvet antler is harvested from New Zealand farmed deer (Red Royal Deer) under hygienic conditions using special methods approved by New Zealand veterinary authorities in association with the NZ Game Industry Board. ApiHealth NZ Ltd purchases Deer antler or velvet antler from farms that follow protocols to ensure that the deer Antler is harvested at the right time to ensure its quality, and that it is then frozen or dried and stored under the appropriate conditions. After that Deer Antler is cleaned and separated and separated part of Antler then goes through the required extraction process.
ApiHealth NZ Ltd has developed special extract from velvet antler, which was used as main ingredient in manufacturing of Deer Antler Manuka honey. The ApiHealth procedures are designed to ensure that the extracts meet strict microbiological standards for products suitable for human consumption. As well, each batch of product undergoes stringent quality assurance tests to ensure that the final product meets specification.
Extensive research in Russia, China, Korea and New Zealand has show that deer velvet contains a rich source of essential minerals, vitamins, major amino acids and other nutrients, These include natural steroids, male and female hormones, anti-inflammatory prostaglandins (cell function regulators that tell the body how to respond to inflammation, tissue injury and pain), the protein collagen (well known for promoting healthy skin and hair), and the natural growth hormones IGF-1 and IGF-2.  These compounds often originate from the natural food deer’s consume in the wild like herbs and other unique plants.
Deer Velvet is said to build up the body’s natural defences against disease. It is also considered a great energy product for both men and women.   According to report from Russia and New Zealand, antler generates haemoglobin, control blood pressure, increase lung efficiency, improves muscle and glandular functions, sharpens mental alertness, heals stomach ulcers, relieves the inflammation of arthritis and eases the debility’s of old age.
According to Chinese herbal doctors, Deer Velvet is used to condition the cardiovascular system, enhance vital energy, strengthen memory, balance the endocrine system and treat erectile dysfunction. The Chinese use antler as a tonic to maintain vibrant health, cure sickness and strengthen a week body.
Bio-Active Bee Pollen Extract
As gathered by the honey bee pollen is a very beneficial natural food and promoter of good health, which has been used by man for many centuries. No other natural product on earth could compete with bee pollen in the level of nutritional value. It is rich with natural components crucially important for human's body metabolism and well being.
However along with these facts it is well known already, that bee pollen is a very indigestible food. If you swallow pollen grains whole, they pass through your digestive system almost intact. In other words, untreated pollen grains are of little nutritional value and could even cause an allergic reaction if an individual happens to be intolerant to that particular pollen variety. It is caused by the absence of special ferments in the human body, which are able to destroy and digest the pollen casings.
That is why lately there have been developed a number of new technologies for breaking the pollen shells to make the useful components of bee pollen more digestible.
ApiHealth NZ Ltd developed new technology of destruction of bee pollen casings and extraction technology.  Our new unique active bee pollen destruction and extraction technology represents a major advance in making the full benefits of pollen available to the human body. ApiHealth bee pollen extract goes through a number of filtration steps and concentrates.

ProPollen in boxPro-pollen original

 Support the immune system
 Aids the digestive system
 Support for women health
What is the uniqueness of ApiHealth  Bee Pollen extract?
 High degree of Bee Pollen casings destruction
 Shelf life expansion and preservation of useful properties of Bee Pollen
 High degree of extraction of active bee pollen components
 Allergic components removal

ApiHealth Pro-Pollen extract made from the highest quality New Zealand bee pollen extract and New Zealand propolis with added UMF® Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey
Manuka honey is a superior treatment for wounds and infections. Manuka honey is gathered in New Zealand from Manuka bush, Leptospermum scoparium, which grows uncultivated throughout the country. Research by Dr. Peter Molan MBE of Waikato University has shown that Manuka honey has very potent anti-bacterial activity and very effective in destroying many stains of bacteria.
Propolis - "recognized as a powerful, all-natural protector"
This sticky, brown resinous substance is collected by honeybees from various plants and mixed with wax. Used to sterilize their home against infection, bees also use propolis as a multi-purpose cement and varnish.
Propolis is the only food on earth containing all 22 nutrients needed by the body for complete and perfect health. It contains over 16 different vitamins, rich in amino acids and trace elements; it also has a high vitamin content, including the valuable bioflavanoids and all in complete and natural balance.
The bioflafanoids in Propolis make it a superb anti-inflammatory. Flavanoids are a class of natural products of high pharmacological potency. The high content of flavanoids in propolis is attributed to its success as a product itself.  For centuries, physicians have used preparations, which contain flavanoids as the principal physiologically active constituents, in attempts to treat human disease. There are nine flavanoids in New Zealand propolis, these are unique from the mix of flavanoids in propolis of other origins.
It is also enables it to be highly effective in boosting the whole body. It is believed that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed the use of propolis to help heal sores and ulcers,
internally and externally . Unlike penicillin or other drugs, propolis it always effective, because bacteria and viruses cannot be build tolerances against it.
Propolis actually stimulates strengthens and rejuvenates the immune system, which is the body’s defense system against disease, cellular destruction and aging.
Bio-Active Bee Pollen Extract
As gathered by the honey bee pollen is a very beneficial natural food and promoter of good health, which has been used by man for many centuries. No other natural product on earth could compete with bee pollen in the level of nutritional value. It is rich with natural components crucially important for human's body metabolism and well being.
However along with these facts it is well known already, that bee pollen is a very indigestible food. If you swallow pollen grains whole, they pass through your digestive system almost intact. In other words, untreated pollen grains are of little nutritional value and could even cause an allergic reaction if an individual happens to be intolerant to that particular pollen variety. It is caused by the absence of special ferments in the human body, which are able to destroy and digest the pollen casings.
That is why lately there have been developed a number of new technologies for breaking the pollen shells to make the useful components of bee pollen more digestible.
ApiHealth NZ Ltd developed new technology of destruction of bee pollen casings and extraction technology.  Our new unique active bee pollen destruction and extraction technology represents a major advance in making the full benefits of pollen available to the human body. ApiHealth bee pollen extract goes through a number of filtration steps and concentrates.


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